الخميس، 17 مارس 2016

Road to the Kurdistan Region

Possible entry by land to the Kurdistan Region by Turkey routinely. The proposed route is to travel and go to the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, and then take a domestic flight for two hours to Diyarbakir. Here it should be noted, that the Turkish visas can be obtained simply to get to Istanbul airport. In Diyarbakir, you can hire a taxi up to the Ibrahim Khalil / Habur border crossing, the Turkish border with the Kurdistan Region, many of the drivers are doing this trip frequently. Here it is advised to be agreed in advance to pay ranging $ 150 guide price, as preferred verification of possession of a license which allows him to carry passengers across the border. Because of the time needed to make the trip, it is advisable to start the road when the early morning, or even the signature of a night in Diyarbakir in case needed. After crossing the border at Ibrahim Khalil, a taxi can take you towards another destination in the Kurdistan Region. Approximate time allocated for a flight from Diyarbakir to the border is a four-hour, then an hour and a half from the border to Dohuk; to Erbil four hours and six hours to Sulaymaniyah. There are other ways, including through Iran and Syria, but it is not considered a destination by a lot of travelers.

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